CSC 2019 Call for Chemistry Education Symposia: Reminder and Deadline Extension — Chemistry Education Division

CSC 2019 Call for Chemistry Education Symposia: Reminder and Deadline Extension

Hello fellow chemistry educators.

Planning for the CSC 2019 Conference in Quebec City has begun. The conference theme for 2019 is “Celebrating IUPAC’s 100th Anniversary: Canada’s Place in Global Chemical Research, Innovation and Education”. As the Program Chair for the Chemistry Education Division, I would like to solicit ideas for chemistry education symposia. Symposia related to the conference theme are encouraged. Please submit your symposium proposal to Steve MacNeil ( by the extended deadline of April 20, 2018 including symposium title, symposium organizer(s) and chair(s), symposium description (250 words max) and justification, including relationship to conference theme, if applicable (250 words max).


Steve MacNeil

Associate Professor

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Wilfrid Laurier University

Waterloo, ON, N2L 3C5

