Join us for a Chemistry Education Research Workshop at the 2018 CSC conference!

We will be hosting our annual Chemistry Education Research (CER) workshop to help attendees develop and improve their skills in chemistry education research.

DATE: May 30, 2018
TIME: 12:00 – 1:20 pm
LOCATION: Edmonton, AB, Room TBD

BRING: Lunch! We are looking into sponsorship and if we can provide lunch, we will offer it to registrants on a first-registered, first-served basis.

Alison Flynn (University of Ottawa),
Stephen MacNeil (Wilfrid Laurier University),
Jackie Stewart (University of British Columbia),

THEME: Developing researchable questions

The key idea this year is to think about problems that you see in chemistry education (that you’ve seen in your class, that students have experienced, etc.). The goal of the workshop will be to turn those problems into researchable questions. Everyone is welcome, including students, researchers in other disciplines, those who are just curious, actively conducting CER, etc.

To help us plan for the session (and offer lunch if we can!), please register using the link below. Feel free to connect with us with any questions, comments, or suggestions.

Register here: