2018 Symposium on SoTL in Banff - Submit abstract by June 29


The Institute for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at Mount Royal University is pleased to announce its eighth annual Symposium on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, being held in Banff, Alberta Canada from November 8 – 10, 2018. Conference site

This gathering of teacher/scholars is a practitioner’s conference dedicated to developing teaching and learning research, sharing initial findings, going public with results of completed projects, and building an extended scholarly community. In its 8th year, this Symposium will draw together faculty, students, and administrators interested in the systematic inquiry of teaching and learning. This year’s Symposium will feature concurrent sessions of presentations and workshops, a poster session, reception, and a keynote presentation. 

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning is focused on evidence both within and beyond disciplines. Compared to DBER, research questions in SoTL often address issues that are of importance to more than one discipline, or results are presented in a way that audiences can see how they can extend the results into their own context. To accommodate interactive presentations, oral contributions are scheduled for 40 minutes (which includes your time for interaction and questions).

There is usually a pre-conference workshop focused on designing research questions in SoTL, and another on methodology.

If you are interested in presenting your research on teaching and learning in Banff during Nov 8–10, 2018, please consider submitting an abstract: https://fs7.formsite.com/nmiletic/form7/index.html