Greetings fellow chemistry educators!
The 103rd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CCCE 2020) will be held in Winnipeg, Manitoba from May 24-28, 2020. As the CCCE 2020 Chemistry Education Division Program Chair, I would like to invite symposia proposal submissions for the Chemistry Education technical session. If you have a proposal to submit, please reply to me, Horace Luong,, with the following information:
Symposium organizer(s):
Organizer's email(s):
Symposium title:
Symposium description:
Symposium duration (number of half days):
The deadline for symposia submissions is April 30, 2019. Feel free to send this message to others who might be interested in organizing a symposium at the conference.
Please contact me with any concerns or questions.
Horace Luong, Ph.D.
Senior Instructor
Department of Chemistry
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3T 2N2
phone: (204) 474-7916