2nd IUPAC Global Women's Breakfast

Global Women's Breakfast.png

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) started
the Global Women's Breakfast last year as part of the #IUPAC100 and
#IYPT2019 celebrations. This year breakfasts are being hosted around the
world for a 2nd year on February 12 with a theme of "Building bonds to
create future leaders". https://iupac.org/event/iupac-global-breakfast/

I encourage you to think about hosting such an event. They can be big or
small, informal, for professionals and/or students. Some are run as 'pot
lucks' whereas others are catered. Last year, they were hosted in work
places, high schools and universities. They do not even need to be a
breakfast - some people host a coffee/tea time in the afternoon or a
lunch. They are also sometimes hosted on a later date (e.g. the
weekend). The format is very flexible and inclusive (anyone with an
interest in EDI in the workplace or education is invited). Previously,
organizers have been able to secure funding from their CSC local section
or their workplace/university.

More information is available on the website (and this will be updated
on Jan 20th to allow everyone to register their event on the map worldwide).

If you register your event on the IUPAC site (next week), you will be
able to get access to a resource page with logos, ideas for programming
(e.g. panel discussions, speed networking, games/challenges). Last year
we shared our experiences on social media (facebook, twitter,
instagram). This year we will be using #GWB2020 so we can keep track of
events around the world.

I hope that Canada is well-represented with events from coast to coast.
Do not hesitate to contact me if you need more information.


Fran Kerton

Francesca Kerton
Chair, Canadian National Committee for IUPAC
Professor, Green Chemistry
2019 Canadian Green Chemistry & Engineering Award Recipient
Department of Chemistry, Memorial University of Newfoundland

phone: +1-709-8648089