Alison Flynn received the CIC Award for Chemistry Education!

Alison Flynn is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences at the University of Ottawa. She is a 3M National Teaching Fellow and a member of the Global Young Academy. Her work includes developing online learning tools as Open Education Resources to support student learning, including OrgChem101, a Growth & Goals Module, and eBooks for remote teaching. Her research group studies student learning in organic chemistry and the impacts of the Growth & Goals module. At the provincial level, she is a Director on eCampusOntario’s Board; this organization brings together the province’s universities and colleges to foster technology-enabled innovation, research, and excellence on behalf of and in collaboration with students. At the National level, she is the Canadian Society for Chemistry’s Director of Accreditation and the inaugural associate editor for chemistry education research with the Canadian Journal of Chemistry. In all her work, she is committed to helping students succeed in their chosen careers and goals.

CIC Award site