The 103rd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CCCE 2020) will be held in Winnipeg, Manitoba from May 24–28, 2020. The call for abstracts is now open until February 10, 2020!
Our list of symposia in the Chemistry Education technical program include:
Advances in undergraduate research experiences: high impact practice in chemistry
Chemistry education research
"Intro" laboratories: how do you engage, excite and evaluate students?
Simulation and visualization in chemistry education
Outreach and student research in chemistry education
Teaching and learning in the undergraduate biochemistry classroom and laboratory
Teaching and learning analytical chemistry
Trials and tribulations: what hasn't worked in your chemistry education reform and how to move forward
More details on the symposia can be found on our website:
The CCCE 2020 program will feature over 70 technical sessions, along with the special sessions on the following: 2SLGBTQ+ in Chemistry, Forming EDI Allies, the Science News Cycle, Chemistry in Canada 2067, and ChemiSTEAM - Putting the A(rt) in STEM. We are pleased to announce that Professor Alán Aspuru-Guzik, Canada 150 Chair at the University of Toronto, has agreed to deliver the opening lecture titled “The Materials for Tomorrow, Today”. Winnipeg is a diverse and multicultural centre with a rich history as an aboriginal trading centre and Canada’s gateway to the West. Winnipeg has evolved to become an exciting city with top-notch restaurants, shopping, attractions, along with a dynamic arts and culture scene ( ). Winnipeg is also home to the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, the first museum solely dedicated to the evolution, celebration, and future of human rights ( ).